Nikon Coolpix 5000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Coolpix 5000 (also known as the CP5000 and E5000 in non-U.S. markets) is a 5- megapixel digital camera from Nikon's Coolpix series. It was announced September 18, 2001 for an MSRP of $1099 USD and featured several unique features such as a fully artic
review33 - 用家意見 Nikon Coolpix 5000 公司網頁 Nikon 售價: HK$6980 意見總數 13 平均得分 4.11 產品簡介 - CCD: 2/3吋CCD,有效象素500萬n - 焦距:(換算 28~85mm 成35mm) n - 最大光圈: F2.8~4.8n - 快門: 8~1/4,000、B快門n ...